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Joey Starter Deck | ||||||||||
Magic/Trap Cards | ||||||||||
ID # | Name | Type | Chain Type | Effect | Rarity | Number | ||||
Block Attack | Magic | Normal | Select 1 of your opponent’s monsters and shift it to Defense mode | 25880422 | ||||||
Castle Walls | Trap | Normal | Increase a selected monster's DEF by 500 points during the turn this card is activated. | 44209392 | ||||||
Change of Heart | Magic | Normal | Select and control 1 opposing monster (regardless of its position) on the field until end of turn | 04031928 | ||||||
Dark Hole | Magic | Normal | Destroy all monsters on the field | 53129443 | ||||||
De-Spell | Magic | Normal | Destroys 1 Magic Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Magic Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated. | 19159413 | ||||||
Dian Keto The Cure Master | Magic | Normal | Increases your Life Points by 1000 points. | N/A | ||||||
Dragon Treasure | Magic | Equipment | A Dragon-type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points | 01435851 | ||||||
Eternal Rest | Magic | Normal | Destroys all monsters equipped with Equip Cards. | 95051344 | ||||||
Fake Trap | Trap | Normal | When your opponent uses a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster card to destroy your Trap Card(s) this card can be destroyed as a substituete for your trap card(s) | 03027001 | ||||||
Fissure | Magic | Normal | Destroys 1 opponent's face up monster with the lowest ATK | 66788016 | ||||||
Giant Trunade | Magic | Normal | Returns all Magic and Trap cards on the field to the respective owners' hands. | 42703248 | ||||||
Just Desserts | Trap | Normal | Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each monster your opponent has on the field. | 24068492 | ||||||
Malevolent Nuzzler | Magic | Equipment | A Monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 700 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, you can pay 500 Life Points to place it on top of your Deck. | 99597615 | ||||||
Monster Reborn | Magic | Normal | Select 1 Monster Card from either your opponent's or your own Graveyard and place it on the field under your control in Attack or Defense Position (face-up). This is considered a Special Summon. | 83764718 | ||||||
Mountain | Magic | Field | Increase the ATK and DEF of all Dragon, Winged-Beast, and Thunder-Type monsters by 200 points | 50913601 | ||||||
Polymerization | MAGIC | Normal | Fuses 2 or more Fusion-Material to form a new Fusion Monster | 24094653 | ||||||
Reinforcements | Trap | Normal | Increase a selected monster's ATK by 500 points during the turn this card is activated. | 17814387 | ||||||
Remove Trap | Magic | Normal | Destroys 1 face-up Trap Card on the field. | 51482758 | ||||||
Reverse Trap | Trap | Normal | All increases and decreases to ATK and DEF are reversed for the turn in which this card is activated. | 77622396 | ||||||
Scapegoat | Magic | Quick | When this card is activated you cannot summon any monster in the same turn (including Flip Summon and Special Summon). Place 4 "Sheep Tokens" (Beast-Type/EARTH/1 Star/ATK 0/DEF 0) in Defense Position on your side of the field. The tokens cannot be used as a Tribute for a Tribute Summon. | |||||||
Seven Tools of the Bandit | Trap | Counter | Pay 1000 of your life points to negate the activation of a Trap card and destroy it | 03819470 | ||||||
Shield & Sword | Magic | Normal | For 1 turn, each face-up monster’s original ATK becomes their original DEF and their original DEF becomes their original ATK. Monsters summoned after this card’s activation are excluded | 52097679 | ||||||
The Reliable Guardian | Magic | Quick | Increase 1 monster's DEF by 700 points during the turn this card is activated. | 16430187 | ||||||
Trap Hole | Trap | Normal | If the ATK of a monster summoned by your opponent (excluding Special Summon) is 1000 points or more, the monster is destroyed. | 04206964 | ||||||
Ultimate Offering | Trap | Continuous | At the cost of 500 Life Points per monster, a player is allowed an extra Normal Summon, Tribute Summon, or Set. | 80604091 | ||||||
Waboku | Trap | Normal | 12607053 | |||||||
Monster Cards | ||||||||||
ID # | Name | Attribute | Type | Level | Attack | Defense | Effect | Rarity | Number | |
7 Colored Fish | Water | Fish | Normal Monster | 4 | 1800 | 800 | C | 23771716 | ||
Armored Lizard | Earth | Reptile | Normal Monster | 1500 | 1200 | C | 15480588 | |||
Baby Dragon | Wind | Dragon | Normal Monster | 1200 | 700 | C | 88819587 | |||
Big Eye | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 1200 | 1000 | FLIP: See the top 5 cards from the top of your Deck. Arrange them in any order desired and replace them on top of the deck | C | 16768387 | ||
Darkfire Soldier #1 | Fire | Fire | Normal Monster | 1700 | 1150 | C | 05388481 | |||
Flame Manipulator | Fire | Spellcaster | Normal Monster | 900 | 1000 | This Spellcaster attacks enemies with fire-related spells such as Sea of Flames and Wall of Fire. | C | 34460851 | ||
Flame Swordsman | Fire | Warrior | Fusion Monster | 1800 | 1600 | Flame Manipulator + Kasaki the Legendary Swordsman | C | 45231177 | ||
Gearfried the Iron Knight | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1800 | 1600 | Any Equip Card this card is equipped with is automatically destroyed. | C | 00423705 | ||
Harpies Brother | Wind | Winged Beast | Normal Monster | 1800 | 600 | C | 30532390 | |||
Island Turtle | Water | Aqua | Normal Monster | 1100 | 2000 | C | ||||
Karate Man | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1000 | 1000 | Once per turn, the original ATK of this card can be doubled. When this effect is applied, the card is immediately destroyed at the end of the turn. | C | 23289281 | ||
Magician of Faith | Light | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 300 | 400 | FLIP: Return a Magic card from your graveyard to your hand | C | 31560081 | ||
Maha Vailo | Light | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 1550 | 1400 | In addition to the effects of Equip Cards, the ATK of this monster is increased by 500 points for each card equipped to this monster. | C | |||
Masaki the Legendary Swordsman | Earth | Warrior | Normal Monster | 1100 | 1100 | Legendary swordmaster Masaki is a veteran of over 100 battles. | C | 44287299 | ||
Milus Radiant | Earth | Beast | Effect Monster | 300 | 250 | As long as this card remains face-up on the field, increase the ATK of all Earth monsters by 500 points and decrease the ATK of all wind monsters by 400 points | C | 07489323 | ||
Penguin Soldier | Water | Aqua | Effect Monster | 750 | 500 | Flip: You can return up to 2 Monster Cards from the field to the owner's hand. | C | 93920745 | ||
Princess of Tsurugi | Wind | Warrior | Effect Monster | 900 | 700 | FLIP: Inflicts 500 points of direct damage to your opponent’s life points for each magic/trap card your opponent has on the field | C | 51371017 | ||
Red Eyes Black Dragon | Magic | Dragon | Normal Monster | 7 | 2400 | 2000 | A ferocious dragon with a deadly attack. | C | 74677422 | |
Sangan | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 1000 | 600 | When this monster is sent from the field to the grave yard, move 1 monster with the ATK of 1500 or less from your deck into your hand. Your deck is then shuffled | C | 26202165 | ||
Spirit of the Harp | Light | Fairy | Normal Monster | 800 | 2000 | A spirit that soothes the soul with the music of its heavenly harp. | C | 80770676 | ||
Swordsman of Landstar | Earth | Warrior | Normal Monster | 3 | 500 | 1200 | An amateur with a sword, this fairy warrior relies on its mysterious powers. | C | ||
Thousand Dragon | Wind | Dragon | Fusion Monster | 2400 | 2000 | Baby Dragon + Time Wizard | C | |||
Time Wizard | Light | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 500 | 400 | Toss a coin and call heads or tails, if you call it right, your opponent’s monster on the field are destroyed. If you call it wrong, your own monsters on the field are destroyed and you lose life points equal to half the total ATK of the destroyed monsters. This card can only be used during your turn, once per turn. | C | |||
White Magical Hat | Light | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 1000 | 700 | When this card inflicts damage to your opponent’s Life Points, 1 card must be randomly discarded from your opponent’s hand to their Graveyard | C | 15150365 |