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Magic/Trap Cards | ||||||||||
ID # | Name | Type | Chain Type | Effect | Rarity | Number | ||||
PSV-004 | 7 Completed | Magic | Normal | A Machine-Type Monster equipped with this card increases its ATK or DEF by 700 points. You cannot change your choice as long as this card remains face-up on the field. | C | 86198326 | ||||
PSV-024 | Appropriate | Trap | Continuous | You can activate this card when your opponent draws a card outside of his/her Draw Phase. Draw 2 cards from your Deck. | R | 48539234 | ||||
PSV-019 | Armored Glass | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when a monster is equipped with an Equip Magic Card. Negate that effects of all Equip Magic Cards on the field during the turn this card is activated. | C | 36868108 | ||||
PSV-054 | Attack And Receive | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when you take damage to your Life Points. Inflict 700 points of Direct Damage to your opponent’s Life Points. In addition, inflict 300 points of Direct Damage to your opponent’s Life Points per card if there are additional “Attack and Receive” cards in your Graveyard. | R | 63689843 | ||||
PSV-028 | Backup Soldier | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when there are 5 or more Monster Cards in your Graveyard. Take up to 3 Monster Cards (except monsters with effects) with an ATK of 1500 points or less from your Graveyard and add them to your hand. | SR | 36280194 | ||||
PSV-061 | Burning Land | Magic | Continuous | Destroys all Field Magic Cards on the field. In addition, both players take 500 points of direct damage during each of their respective Standby Phases. | C | 22494108 | ||||
PSV-012 | Call of the Haunted | Trap | Continuous | Select one monster from your graveyard and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. When this card it destroyed or removed from the field, the summoned monster is destroyed. If the summoned monster is destroyed, this card it also destroyed. | UR | 97077563 | ||||
PSV-030 | Ceasefire | Trap | Normal | Flip all face-down Monster Cards on the field face-up (Flip Effects are not activated). Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each Effect Monster Card on the field. | UR | |||||
PSV-006 | Chain Destruction | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when a monster with an ATK of 2000 points or less is summoned (including Special Summon). This monster is not destroyed, but all Monster Cards of the same name in the summoning player’s hand and Deck are destroyed. The summoning player’s Deck is then shuffled. | UR | 01248895 | ||||
PSV-062 | Cold Wave | Magic | Normal | This card can only be activated at the start of Main Phase 1. Until your next turn, neither you nor your opponent can play or Set any Magic or Trap cards. | C | 60682203 | ||||
PSV-026 | Dimensionhole | Magic | Normal | Remove 1 monster on your side of the field from play until your next Standby Phase. The card still counts towards the 5 card Monster Zone limit. | R | 22959079 | ||||
PSV-099 | DNA Surgery | Trap | Continuous | Select 1 Type of monster. As long as this card remains on the field, all Monster Cards will be treated ad the Type you selected. | C | 74701381 | ||||
PSV-018 | Driving Snow | Trap | Normal | You can activate this when 1 or more of your Trap Cards are destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard by a card effect your opponents controls. Destroy one Magic or Trap Card on the field. | C | 00473469 | ||||
PSV-011 | Dust Tornado | Trap | Normal | Destroy 1 Magic or Trap on your opponent’s side of the field. You can then Set 1 Magic or Trap Card from your hand. This card can only be activated if it is a Quick-Play Magic Card. | SR | |||||
PSV-014 | Earthshaker | Trap | Normal | Select 2 Monster Card Attributes. Your opponent then selects 1 of the 2 Attributes and destroys all face-up monsters with that Attribute on the field. | C | 60866277 | ||||
PSV-015 | Enchanted Javelin | Trap | Normal | When your opponent's monster attacks, increase your life points by the attacking monster's ATK points. | C | 96355986 | ||||
PSV-063 | Fairy Meteor Crush | Magic | Equipment | When your monster equipped with this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent's Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points. | C | 97687912 | ||||
PSV-025 | Forced Requistion | Trap | Continuous | You can activate this card when you discard from your hand. Every time you discard from your hand, your opponent must also discard the same number of cards from his/her hand. | R | 74923978 | ||||
PSV-053 | Gamble | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when your opponent’s hand has 6 or more cards and your hand contains 2 or less. Toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, draw until your hand has 5 cards. If you call it wrong, skip your next turn. | C | 37313786 | ||||
PSV-009 | Gift Of The Mystical Elf | Trap | Normal | Increase your Life Points by 300 points for each monster on the field, regardless of position. | C | 98299011 | ||||
PSV-008 | Graverobber | Trap | Normal | You can take 1 Magic card from your opponent's Graveyard. If it is your turn and you activate it, you take 2000 points of Direct Damage. If it is your opponent's turn, you cannot activate it. The Magic Card is returned to your opponents Graveyard at the end of this turn. | C | 61705417 | ||||
PSV-073 | Gravity Bind | Trap | Continuous | All monsters of Level 4 or higher cannot attack. Their positions may still be changed. | 85742772 | |||||
PSV-070 | Ground Collapse | Magic | Continuous | Select 2 Monster Card Zones on the field (you cannot select a zone occupied by a Monster Card). The selected zones cannot be used as long as this card remains face-up on the field. | C | 90502999 | ||||
PSV-017 | Gust | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when 1 or more of your Magic cards are destroyed and sent from the field to the Graveyard by a card effect your opponent controls. Destroy 1 Magic or Trap Card on the field. | C | 73079365 | ||||
PSV-104 | Imperial Order | Trap | Continuous | As long as this card remains face-up on the field, negate the effects of all Magic Cards. Pay 700 Life Points during each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed. | SE | 61740673 | ||||
PSV-072 | Infinite Dismissal | Trap | Continuous | All monsters of level 3 or lower that are summoned to the field during this turn (excluding Special Summon) are destroyed at the End Phase of the turn. | C | 54109233 | ||||
PSV-102 | Insect Barrier | Magic | Continuous | Your opponent's Insect-Type monsters cannot attack as long as this card remains face-up on the field | C | 23615409 | ||||
PSV-068 | Insect Imitation | Magic | Normal | Offer 1 monster on your side of the field as a Tribute. Select 1 Insect-Type monster from your Deck that is 1 Level higher than the Tribute monster and Special Summon it on the field in face-up Attack Position or face-down Defense Position. The Deck is then shuffled. | C | 96965364 | ||||
PSV-038 | Inspection | Magic | Continuous | During your opponent's Standby Phase, you can randomly select 1 card in your opponent's hand and look at it at the cost of 500 Life Points. | R | 16227556 | ||||
PSV-031 | Light of Intervention | Trap | Continuous | Monster Cards cannot be played face-down or in Defense Position are played face-up on the field and are considered summoned. | C | 62867251 | ||||
PSV-005 | Lightforce Sword | Trap | Normal | Select 1 card at random from your opponent’s hand. Keep it face-down and place it outside of the field. During your opponent’s 4th turn, the card is returned to his/her hand in the Standby Phase. | UR | 45987034 | ||||
PSV-064 | Limiter Removal | Magic | Quick | Double the attack strength of all of your face-up Machine Sub-Type Monsters on the Field. Destroy all Monsters affected by this effect at the end of the turn. | SR | 23171610 | ||||
PSV-071 | Magic Drain | Trap | Counter | You can activate this card when your opponent activates a Magic Card. If your opponent cannot immediately discard 1 Magic Card from his/her hand, negate the activation of the Magic Card and destroy it. | R | 59344077 | ||||
PSV-033 | Magical Hats | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card during your opponent’s Battle Phase. Take 2 non-Monster Cards from your Deck and select 1 of your Monster Cards on the field, then shuffle your Deck. Shuffle the 3 selected cards and Set them on the field in face-down Defense Position. The 2 cards selected from your Deck are treated as monsters (ATK 0/ Def 0) and are destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase. | SR | 81210420 | ||||
PSV-029 | Major Riot | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when 1 or more of your monsters are returned from the field to your hand. Return all Monster Cards on the field to your respective hands. Both you and your opponent can then Special Summon from your hand the same number of Monster Cards on the field in face-down Defense Position. | C | 09074847 | ||||
PSV-022 | Metal Detector | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when a Continuous Trap Card is activated. Negate all Continuous Trap during the turn this card is activated. | C | 75646520 | ||||
PSV-051 | Michizure | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when your monster is sent from the field to the Graveyard. Destroy 1 monster on the field. | R | 37580756 | ||||
PSV-052 | Minor Goblin Official | Trap | Continuous | You can activate this card when your opponent’s Life Points are 3000 or less. Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent’s Life Points during each of his/her Standby Phases. | C | 01918087 | ||||
PSV-016 | Mirror Wall | Trap | Continuous | During your Standby Phase, pay 2000 Life Points or destroy this card. Reduce the attack strength of all of your opponent's attacking monsters by half. | SR | 2239980 | ||||
PSV-066 | Monster Recovery | Magic | Quick | Select 1 of your own monsters on your side of the field and combine it with your Deck. At the same time, combine your hand and Deck together and shuffle the Deck. Draw the same number of cards that were in your hand from the shuffled Deck. | SR | 93108433 | ||||
PSV-021 | Mystic Probe | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when a Continous Magic Card is activated. Negate all Continous Magic Cards during the turn this card is activated. | C | 49251811 | ||||
PSV-034 | Nobleman of Extermination | Magic | Normal | Destroy 1 face-down Magic or Trap Card and remove it from play. If the card is a Trap Card, both players must remove all Trap Cards of the same name from their respective Decks and remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled. | R | 17449108 | ||||
PSV-035 | Nobleman of the Crossout | Magic | Normal | Destroy 1 face-down Monster Card and remove it from play. If the monster destroyed has a Flip Effect, both players must remove all Monster Cards of the same name from their respective decks and remove them from play. The Decks are then shuffled. | SR | 71044499 | ||||
PSV-023 | Numinous Healer | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when you take damage to your Life Points. Increase your Life Points by 1000 points. In addition, increase your Life Points by 500 points per card if there are additional “Numinous Healer” cards in the Graveyard. | C | 02130625 | ||||
PSV-037 | Premature Burial | Magic | Equipment | Pay 800 Life Points. Select 1 Monster Card from your Graveyard, Special Summon it on the field in face-up Attack Position, and equip it with this card. When this card is destroyed, the monster is also destroyed. | UR | 70828912 | ||||
PSV-039 | Prohibition | Magic | Continuous | When you play this card, declare the name of 1 card. As long as this remains on the field, the declared card cannot be played. The cards which are already on the field before this card’s activation are excluded. | R | 43711255 | ||||
PSV-065 | Rain of Mercy | Magic | Normal | Increases the Life Points of both players by 1000 Points | C | 66719324 | ||||
PSV-032 | Respect Play | Trap | Continuous | During their respective turns, each player must show their opponent their hand. | C | 08951260 | ||||
PSV-075 | Shadow of Eyes | Trap | Normal | When your opponent Sets a Monster Card in face-down Defense Position, change it to face-up Attack Position, If the Monster Card has a Flip Effect, it is not activated. | C | 58621589 | ||||
PSV-067 | Shift | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when your opponent designates a monster on your side of the field as a target of a magic, trap or battle attack. Change the target to a different monster on your side of the field. | R | 59560625 | ||||
PSV-056 | Skull Invitation | Trap | Continuous | Every time a card is sent to the Graveyard, inflict 300 points of Direct Damage to its owner’s Life Points per card. | C | 98139712 | ||||
PSV-055 | Solemn Wishes | Trap | Continuous | You gain 500 Life Points when you draw a card (or cards). | C | 35346968 | ||||
PSV-013 | Solomon’s Lawbook | Trap | Normal | Skip your own Standby Phase. | C | 23471572 | ||||
PSV-010 | The Eye of Truth | Trap | Continuous | As long as this card remains face-up on the field, your opponent must show his/her hand. Your opponent increases his/her Life Points by 1000 points at each of his/her Standby Phases if he/she has a Magic Card in his/her hand. | C | 34694160 | ||||
PSV-027 | The Regulation Of Tribe | Trap | Continuous | Select 1 Type of Monster. Any monster of the selected type cannot attack. To keep this card in effect, you must offer 1 monster from the field as a Tribute at each of your Standby Phases. If you cannot, this card is destroyed. | C | 00296499 | ||||
PSV-036 | The Shallow Grave | Magic | Normal | Each player takes 1 Monster Card from his/her respective Graveyard and Special Summons them on the field in face-down Defense Position. | R | 43434803 | ||||
PSV-007 | Time Seal | Trap | Normal | Your opponent skips the Draw Phase of his/her next turn. | C | 35316708 | ||||
PSV-074 | Type Zero Magic Crusher | Trap | Continuous | For each Magic Card that you discard from your hand, inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. | 21237481 | |||||
PSV-020 | World Suppression | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when a Field Magic Card is activated. Negate the Field Magic Card during the turn this card is activated. | C | 12253117 | ||||
Monster Cards | ||||||||||
ID # | Name | Attribute | Type | Level | Attack | Defense | Effect | Rarity | Number | |
PSV-088 | 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom | Wind | Insect | Effect Monster | 800 | 1200 | FLIP: Destroys all opponents face-up Level 4 monsters on field. | C | 83994646 | |
PSV-103 | Beast Of Talwar | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 2400 | 2150 | UR | |||
PSV-080 | Bite Shoes | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 500 | 300 | FLIP: Change the Attack or Defense Position of 1 face-up monster on the field. The card must remain face-up. | C | 50122883 | |
PSV-087 | Bombardment Beetle | Wind | Insect | Effect Monster | 400 | 900 | FLIP: Flip 1 face-down Defense Position Monster Card on your opponent's side of the field face-up. If the flipped card is an Effect Monster Card, immediately destroy it without activating its effect. If the card is not an Effect Monster Card, return it to its original position. | C | 57409948 | |
PSV-057 | Bubonic Vermin | Earth | Beast | Effect Monster | 900 | 600 | FLIP: You can take 1 “Bubonic Vermin” card from your Deck and Special Summon it on the field in face-down Defense Position. The Deck is then shuffled. | C | 06104968 | |
PSV-050 | Buster Blader | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 2600 | 2300 | The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for every Dragon-Type monster on your opponent’s side of the field and Graveyard. | UR | ||
PSV-047 | Cyber Falcon | Wind | Machine | Normal Monster | 1400 | 1200 | C | 30655537 | ||
PSV-058 | Dakuroyaiba | Wind | Fiend | Normal Monster | 1000 | 400 | C | 30325729 | ||
PSV-043 | Dark Bat | Dark | Beast | Normal Monster | 1000 | 1000 | C | 67049542 | ||
PSV-045 | Darkfire Soldier #1 | Fire | Fire | Normal Monster | 1700 | 1150 | C | 05388481 | ||
PSV-079 | Darkfire Soldier #2 | Fire | Fire | Normal Monster | 1700 | 1100 | C | 78861134 | ||
PSV-069 | Deepsea Warrior | Water | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1600 | 1800 | When Umi is face-up on the field, this card is unaffected by any Magic Cards. | C | 24128274 | |
PSV-078 | Drill Bug | Earth | Insect | Effect Monster | 1100 | 200 | When this card inflicts damage to your opponent's Life Points, you may take 1 Parasite Paracide card from your Deck, suffle the Deck, and then place Parasite Paracide face-down on top of the deck. | C | 88733579 | |
PSV-041 | Flame Champion | Fire | Fire | Normal Monster | 1900 | 1300 | C | 42599677 | ||
PSV-048 | Flying Kamakiri #2 | Wind | Insect | Normal Monster | 1500 | 800 | C | 03134241 | ||
PSV-101 | Gearfried the Iron Knight | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1800 | 1600 | Any Equip Card this card is equipped with is automatically destroyed. | SR | 00423705 | |
PSV-085 | Girochin Kuwagata | Wind | Insect | Normal Monster | 1700 | 1000 | C | 84620194 | ||
PSV-094 | Goblin Attack Force | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 2300 | 0 | When this card attacks, it is changed to Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase. This position cannot be changed during your next turn. | UR | 78658564 | |
PSV-089 | Gradius | Light | Machine | Normal Monster | 1200 | 800 | C | 10992251 | ||
PSV-049 | Harpies Brother | Wind | Winged Beast | Normal Monster | 1800 | 600 | C | 30532390 | ||
PSV-086 | Hayabusa Knight | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1000 | 700 | This monster may attack twice during the same battle phase | R | 21015833 | |
PSV-082 | Invitation To A Dark Sleep | Dark | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 1500 | 1800 | When this monster is summoned (excluding Special Summon) select 1 of your opponent’s monsters. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the selected monster cannot attack. | R | 52675689 | |
PSV-095 | Island Turtle | Water | Aqua | Normal Monster | 1100 | 2000 | C | |||
PSV-000 | Jinzo | Dark | Machine | Effect Monster | 2400 | 1500 | As long as this card is face-up on the field, all Trap cards cannot be activated. Also all Face-up Trap cards are negated. | SE | 77585513 | |
PSV-046 | Kiseitai | Dark | Demon | Effect Monster | 300 | 800 | When your opponent’s monster attacks this card in face-down Defense Position, the attacking monster is equipped with this card (damage calculations are canceled). Treat this card as an Equip Magic Card. During each of your opponent’s Standby Phases, increase your Life Points by half of the ATK of the monster equipped with this card. | C | 04266839 | |
PSV-091 | Mad Sword Beast | Earth | Dinosaur | Effect Monster | 1400 | 1200 | When this card attacks with an ATK that is higher than the DEF of your opponent’s Defense Position monster, inflict the difference as Battle Damage to your opponent’s Life Points. | C | 79870141 | |
PSV-040 | Morphing Jar #2 | Earth | Rock | Effect Monster | 800 | 700 | FLIP: Return all Monster Cards on the field to their respective Decks and shuffle them. You and your opponent then pick up cards until you both have the same number of Monster Cards (Level 4 or lower) that were returned to each Deck. Special Summon the monsters on the field in face-down Defense Position. Any other cards picked up are discarded to the Graveyard. | R | 79106360 | |
PSV-044 | Mr. Volcano | Fire | Fire | Normal Monster | 2100 | 1300 | C | 31477025 | ||
PSV-059 | Oni Tank T-34 | Earth | Machine | Normal Monster | 1400 | 1700 | C | 66927994 | ||
PSV-060 | Overdrive | Earth | Machine | Normal Monster | 1600 | 1500 | C | 02311603 | ||
PSV-003 | Parasite Paracide | Earth | Insect | Effect Monster | 500 | 300 | FLIP: Put this card face-up in your opponent’s Deck and shuffle it. When your opponent draws this card, it is immediately Special Summoned on your opponents side of the field face-up in Defense position and inflicts 1000 of Direct Damage to your opponents Life Points. From this point, all face-up Monster Cards on your opponents side of the field are treated as Insect-Type monsters as long as this card remains face-up on the field. | SR | 27911549 | |
PSV-090 | Red Moon Baby | Dark | Zombie | Effect Monster | 700 | 1000 | A monster destroyed by this card can be Special Summoned in face-up Attack or Defense Position at the end of the Battle Phase to your side of the field. | R | 56387350 | |
PSV-097 | Science Soldier | Dark | Warrior | Normal Monster | 800 | 800 | C | 67532912 | ||
PSV-092 | Skull Mariner | Water | Warrior | Normal Monster | 1600 | 900 | C | 05265750 | ||
PSV-098 | Souls of the Forgotten | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 900 | 200 | C | 04920010 | ||
PSV-081 | Spikebot | Dark | Machine | Normal Monster | 1800 | 1700 | C | 87511987 | ||
PSV-001 | Steel Ogre Grotto #2 | Earth | Machine | Normal Monster | 1900 | 2200 | C | 90908427 | ||
PSV-077 | Sword Hunter | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 2450 | 1700 | A monster destroyed by this card becomes an Equip Magic Card. Equip “Sword Hunter” with the card to increase the ATK of this monster by 200 points. The equipped card remains on the field until this card is destroyed. | C | 51345461 | |
PSV-093 | The All-Seeing White Tiger | Wind | Beast | Normal Monster | 1300 | 500 | C | 32269855 | ||
PSV-100 | The Fiend Megacyber | Dark | Warrior | Effect Monster | 2200 | 1200 | If your opponent has 2 or more monsters than you have on the field, you can summon this card without offering any Tributes. | UR | ||
PSV-076 | The Legendary Fisherman | Water | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1850 | 1600 | If the 'Umi' card is on the Field, this card cannot be affected by Magic, and your opponent cannot attack it. | SR | 03643300 | |
PSV-083 | Thousand Eyes Restrict | Dark | Spellcaster | Fusion/Effect Monster | 1 | 0 | 0 | Thousand Eyes Cult God + Relinquished When this card is on the Field, other Monsters cannot attack nor change their modes. Once during your turn, you may absorb 1 of your opponent's Monsters, gaining the attack and defense strengths of that Monster. You can only absorb 1 Monster at a time, and it becomes an Equipment card on this Monster. |
UR | |
PSV-084 | Thousand-Eyes Idol | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 1 | 0 | 0 | R | 27125110 | |
PSV-002 | Three-Headed Geedo | Dark | Demon | Normal Monster | 1200 | 1400 | C | 78423643 | ||
PSV-042 | Twin-Headed Fire Dragon | Fire | Pyro | Normal Monster | 2200 | 1700 | C | 78984772 | ||
PSV-096 | Wingweaver | Light | Fairy | Normal Monster | 2750 | 2400 | C | 31447217 |