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Jump Issue #1 to Include Rare Yu-Gi-Oh! Card
16-OCT-02 Yesterday, Viz announced that along with issue #1, early subscribers of the U.S. edition of Shonen Jump magazine will receive a Yu-Gi-Oh! card. Konami and Upper Deck have agreed to print a special ultra-rare card for the popular collectible card game. Viz representatives have stated that the card will be legal in Yu-Gi-Oh! tournaments, but are waiting to release any more details about what the card actually is. Even with these few details, Viz has scored a coup in selling more issues, since Yu-Gi-Oh! is one of the hottest properties on the market right now. The TV show is top-rated on the Kids WB network, the card game is outselling baseball cards, and now, the original comic is being translated and brought to the states in Shonen Jump. The first issue of Shonen Jump is scheduled for release in early November. More information is available at the official Shonen Jump website. |