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CSOC-EN098 Elemental
Hero Divine Neos
Secret Rare
Level 12 / Light
ATK: 2500 / DEF: 2500
[Warrior / Fusion / Effect]
"This card cannot
be Special Summoned except by a Fusion Summon of any 5 "Neos", "Neo-Spacian",
"Elemental Hero", "Destiny Hero", or "Evil Hero"
monsters including at least 1 "Neos" monster, 1 "Neo-Spacian"
monster and 1 "Hero" monster. Once per turn, you can remove from play
1 "Neos", "Neo-Spacian", "Elemental Hero", "Destiny
Hero", or "Evil Hero" monster from your Graveyard to have this
card gain 500 ATK. It also gains the removed monster's effect(s), until the
End Phase."
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