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YuGiOh Movie Card: YMP1-EN007 MALEFIC PARADOX DRAGON Secret Rare Limited Edition HoloFoil Card
Malefic Paradox Dragon
Limited Edition Secret Rare
Level 10 / Dark
ATK: 4000 / DEF: 4000
[Dragon / Synchro / Effect]
""Malefic Parallel Gear" + 1 non-Tuner "Malefic" monster When this card
is Synchro Summoned, you can select 1 Synchro Monster in either player's Graveyard,
and Special Summon it. There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic Paradox Dragon"
on the field. If "Malefic World" is not face-up on the field, destroy this card.
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