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Dark Crisis | ||||||||||
Magic/Trap Cards | ||||||||||
ID # | Name | Type | Chain Type | Effect | Rarity | Number | ||||
ALTAR OF SACRIFICES | Trap | Normal | Choose 1 of your Monsters on the Field and put it in the Cemetery. Gain Life Points equal to that Monster's base attack strength. | |||||||
ANOTHER DIMENSION SEGREGATION MACHINE | Magic | Continuous | Choose 1 of your Monsters and 1 of your opponent's Monsters on the Field, and remove them from the game. When this card is destroys and goes to the Cemetery, return the removed Monsters to the Field in the same modes. | R | ||||||
ARK OF MIRACLES | Magic | Ritual | Needed to summon a "Ruler Of Heaven Shinato". You must sacrifice 8 levels or more worth of Monsters from the Field and/or your hand. | |||||||
AXE OF GRAVITY - GURAARU | Magic | Equipment | Increase the Equipped Monster's attack strength by 500. While this card is on the Field, your opponent can't change the modes of his or her Monsters on the Field. | |||||||
BARGAIN WITH A DEMON | Magic | Quick | Activate during a turn in which a level 8 or higher Monster goes from your Field to the Cemetery. Special Summon a "Berserk Dead Dragon" from your hand or deck. | |||||||
BOW OF FALLING STARS - SHIIRU | Magic | Equipment | Reduce the Equipped Monster's attack strength by 1000. The Equipped Monster can attack your opponent directly. | |||||||
COST DOWN | Magic | Normal | Discard 1 card from your hand. The levels of all of the Monsters in your hand are reduced by 2 until the activated turn's End Phase. | SE | ||||||
CURSE ERASURE | Trap | Counter | Discard 2 cards from your hand. Negate and destroy a Magic card activation. Also, search your opponent's hand and deck for cards of the same name as the destroyed card and put them all in the Cemetery. | |||||||
DAGGER OF BUTTERFLIES - ERUMA | Magic | Equipment | Increase the Equipped Monster's attack strength by 300. If this card is destroyed and goes to the Cemetery while Equipped on a Monster, this card can be returned to its owner's hand. | SR | ||||||
DAGURA BLADES | Magic | Equipment | Equip only on an Fairy Sub-Type Monster. Increase the Equipped Monster's attack strength by 500. When the Equipped Monster does Damage to your opponent as a result of Battle, you gain that many Life Points. | |||||||
DEADLY! BLACK SCORPION COMBINATION | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card if you have a [Don Zaruug], [Black Scorpion - Trap Remover Kurifu], [Black Scorpion – Running Chikku], [Black Scorpion - Strong Googu] and [Black Scorpion - Spiteful Miine] all face-up on the Field. All of these cards can attack your opponent directly during the activated turn. If you do, the Battle Damage done to your opponent each becomes 400. | |||||||
DEGRADATION | Magic | Equipment | If you don't have a card on the Field with [Demon] on its name, destroy this card. Gain control of the Monster that this card is Equipped on. During your opponent's Standby Phase, you receive 800 damage. | |||||||
DEMON'S CRY | Trap | Normal | Pay 500 Life Points when activated. Special Summon 1 Monster card from your Cemetery with [Demon] in its name. This Monster cannot be sacrificed for any reason, and is destroyed at the End Phase of this turn. | |||||||
DEMON'S DECLARATION | Magic | Continuous | Once during your turn, you may pay 500 Life Points and name a card. If you do, reveal the top card of your deck, and if it's the named card, put it into your hand. Otherwise, put it into your Cemetery. | |||||||
DISKABAADO ATTACK | Magic | Normal | Sacrifice 1 of your Monsters on the Field with [Demon] in its name. During this turn, 1 of your [Genocide King Demon] on the Field can attack your opponent directly. | |||||||
EARTHBOUND HIGH PLACE | Magic | Continuous | Whenever an Equipment Magic card is Equipped on a Monster, the Equipment Magic card's controller gains 1000 Life Points. Whenever an Equipment Magic card leaves the Field, the Equipment Magic card's controller receives 1000 damage. | |||||||
EXPLOSIVE ARMOR | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when an opponent's Monster attacks. Destroy that attacking Monster. | |||||||
EXPLOSIVE SACRIFICIAL EMBRACE | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when your opponent attacks with a Monster on the Field that was Sacrifice Summoned. Destroy all of your opponent's face-up Monsters on the Field that are in attack mode, and do 1000 damage to your opponent. | |||||||
FINAL ASSAULT ORDER | Trap | Continuous | While this card is on the FIeld, all Monsters on the Field change to attack mode, and while face-up, cannot change their modes. | |||||||
FINAL COUNTDOWN TO THE END | Magic | Normal | Pay 2000 Life Points. 20 turns after this card is activated, you win the game. | |||||||
FREEZING OF THE SOUL | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card if you have 2000 or fewer Life Points than your opponent. Skip your opponent's next Battle Phase. | |||||||
GREAT SWORD OF VIOLATION - BAOU | Magic | Equipment | Discard 1 card from your hand to Equip. Increase the Equiped Monster's attack strength by 500. If the Equipped Monster attacks an opponent's Monster and destroys it and sends it to the Cemetery, negate the effects on that Monster. | SR | ||||||
HALBERD OF THE TRUTHFUL EYE | Magic | Equipment | If the Equipped Monster does Battle Damage to your opponent, that Battle Damage becomes 1000. | |||||||
JUDGEMENT OF ANUBIS | Trap | Counter | Discard 1 card from your hand. Negate and destroy a Magic card activation and effect that has a [Destroy Magic Trap cards on the Field] effect controlled by your opponent. Afterward, you can destroy 1 of your opponent's face-up Monsters on the Field, and do damage to your opponent equal to that Monster's attack strength. | |||||||
LAIR OF THE TEN-THOUSAND DEMON LORDS | Magic | Field | Life Payments during the Standby Phase for Monsters with [Demon] in their names don't have to be paid. If a Monster card with [Demon] in its name is destroyed other than as a result of Battle and goes to the Cemetery, you can choose 1 Monster card with [Demon] in its name with a level less than that card from your deck and put it into your hand. | |||||||
LIGHT OF HOPE | Trap | Normal | Shuffle 2 Light Main-Type Monsters from your Cemetery into your deck. | |||||||
MAGIC REGENERATION | Magic | Normal | Put 2 Magic cards from your hand in the Cemetery. Choose 1 Magic card in your Cemetery, and put it into your hand. | |||||||
MASS EXORCISM | Trap | Normal | Destroy all Monsters on the Field with Equipment Magic cards Equipped on them. | |||||||
PACT WITH EXODIA | Magic | Normal | Activate if you have a "Exodia the Forbidden One", "Left Arm of the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One", "Left Leg of the Forbidden One", "Right Leg of the Forbidden One" all in your Cemetery. Special Summon an "Exodia Necros" from your hand. | |||||||
PACT WITH THE DARK MASTER | Magic | Ritual Magic | Ritual | Needed to summon a [Dark Master - Zork]. You must sacrifice 8 or more levels worth of cards from the Field and or your hand. | ||||||
PACT WITH THE UNDERWORLD | Magic | Ritual Magic | Ritual | Can be used to summon a Dark Main-Type Ritual Monster. You must sacrifice cards with levels equal to the Dark Main-Type Monster to be Ritual Summoned from the Field and or your hand. | ||||||
PULLED TO THE GRAVE | Magic | Normal | Each player look at his or her hand opponent's hand, chooses 1 card there to be discarded to the Cemetery, then draws 1 card. | |||||||
REVERSE DICE | Trap | Normal | Once during this turn, negate a die roll and re-roll the die. | |||||||
ROD OF SILENCE - KEESUTO | Magic | Equipment | Increase the Equipped Monster's defense strength by 500. Negate and destroy all Magic cards that target the Equipped Monster. | |||||||
SEAL OF BLOOD | Magic | Continuous | Choose 1 of your Monsters on the Field with [Demon] in its name when activated. Your opponent must also pay any Life Payment that the chosen Monster has during the Standby Phase. If this card leaves the Field, destroy the chosen Monster. If the chosen Monster leaves the Field, destroy this card. | |||||||
SKILL DRAIN | Trap | Continuous | Pay 1000 Life Points. While this card is on the Field, all effects of face-up Monsters on the Field are negated. | |||||||
SPRING OF THE FAERIES | Magic | Normal | Return 1 Equipment card from your Cemetery to your hand. That Equipment card can't be activated this turn. | |||||||
STANDING AGAINST A FORMIDABLE ENEMY | Trap | Normal | You can activate this card when your opponent attacks. Choose 1 of your face-up Monsters on the Field. During the activated turn, your opponent can only attack the chosen Monster, and all of your opponent's Monsters face-up Monsters must attack. | |||||||
SUB-SPACE MATTER TRANSFER DEVICE | Trap | Normal | Choose 1 of your face-up Monsters on the Field and remove it from the game until the End Phase of the activated turn. | SE | ||||||
THE BLACK SCORPIONS ASSEMBLE | Magic | Normal | You can activate this card if you have a face-up [Don Zaruug] on the Field. You can Special Summon all Monster cards in your hand with [Black Scorpion] in their names. (Only 1 of each card.) | |||||||
THE POLITE INTRUDING TRIO | Trap | Normal | Special Summon 3 "Polite Intruding Token" (Animal/Light/2/0/1000) to your opponent's Field in defense mode (They cannot be sacrificed to Summon). When a "Polite Intruding Token" is destroyed, it does 300 damage to its controller. | |||||||
TOKEN HARVEST FESTIVAL | Magic | Normal | Destroy all tokens on the Field. Gain 800 Life Points for each token destroyed. | |||||||
TREASURE OF THE UNDERWORLD | Magic | Continuous | When you Summoned a Monster that required 2 or more Monsters to be sacrificed to Summon it, draw 2 cards from your deck. | |||||||
TRIAL BY FIRE | Magic | Ritual Magic | Ritual | Needed to summon a [The Legendary Flame Lord]. You must sacrifice 7 or more levels worth of cards from the Field and or your hand. | ||||||
TWIN SWORDS OF FLURRY - TORAISU | Magic | Equipment | Discard 1 card from your hand to Equip. Decrease the Equipped Monster's attack strength by 500. The Equipped Monster can attack twice during the Battle Phase. | |||||||
WARD OF ABSOLUTE MAGIC PROHIBITION | Magic | Continuous | All face-up non-Effect Monsters on the Field can't be affected by Magic. | |||||||
WEAPON DISPOSAL | Trap | Normal | Your opponent puts 1 Equipment Magic card from his or her deck into his or her Cemetery. | |||||||
Monster Cards | ||||||||||
ID # | Name | Attribute | Type | Level | Attack | Defense | Effect | Rarity | Number | |
ACROBAT MONKEY | Earth | Machine | Normal Monster | 3 | 1000 | 1800 | ||||
AGIDO | Earth | Fairy | Effect Monster | 4 | 1500 | 1300 | When this card is destroyed as a result of Battle and goes to the Cemetery, roll 1 six-sided die. Special Summon 1 Fairy Sub-Type Monster from your Cemetery with a level equal to the die roll. (If the roll is a 6, it includes level 6 and higher.) | |||
BATTLEFOOT BORER | Fire | Machine | Normal Monster | 4 | 1000 | 2100 | ||||
BERSERK DEAD DRAGON | Dark | Zombie | Effect Monster | 8 | 3500 | 0 | Can only be Special Summoned and only by "Bargain With a Demon". This Monster can attack each of your opponent's Monsters on the Field once. During each of your End Phases, reduce this card's attack strength by 500. | R | ||
BLACK FLARE KNIGHT | Dark | Warrior | Fusion/Effect Monster | 6 | 2200 | 800 | Black Magician + Flame Swordsman Battle Damage done to this card's controller due to this card being in Battle is reduced to 0. If this card is destroyed and goes to the Cemetery during Battle, Special Summon 1 "Mirage Knight" from your deck or hand. |
R | ||
BLACK SCORPION - RUNNING CHIKKU | Dark | Warrior | Effect Monster | 3 | 1000 | 1000 | When this card does Battle Damage to your opponent, choose 1 of
the following effects to activate. - Return 1 card on the Field to its owner's hand. - Look at the top card of your opponent's deck (your opponent can't see it). You may choose to put that card on top or at the bottom of your opponent's deck. |
BLACK SCORPION - SPITEFUL MIINE | Dark | Warrior | Effect Monster | 4 | 1000 | 1800 | When this card does Battle Damage to your opponent, you can choose 1 of the following effects to activate. - Put 1 card with [Black Scorpion] in its name from your deck into your hand. - Put 1 card with [Black Scorpion] in its name from your Cemetery into your hand. | |||
BLACK SCORPION - STRONG GOOGU | Dark | Warrior | Effect Monster | 5 | 1800 | 1500 | When this card does Battle Damage to your opponent, you can choose 1 of the following effects to activate. - Return 1 of your opponent's Monsters on the Field to the top of its owner's deck. - Put the top card of your opponent's deck in his or her Cemetery. | |||
BLIND GOBLIN | Earth | Warrior | Effect Monster | 4 | 1800 | 1500 | While this card is face-up on the Field, control of it can't change. | |||
COMPOSITE BEAST GAAZETTO | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 7 | ? | 0 | This Monster's attack strength is the total of the base attack strengths of the Monsters sacrificed to Summon it. | |||
CYBER RAIDER | Dark | Machine | Effect Monster | 4 | 1400 | 1000 | When this Monster is Summoned, Reverse Summoned or Special
Summoned, choose 1 of the following effects to activate. - Destroy 1 Equipment card on the Field that is Equipped on a Monster on the Field. - Choose 1 Equipment card on the Field that is Equipped on a Monster and Equip it on this card. |
DARK BISHOP FIEND | Water | Fiend | Effect Monster | 3 | 300 | 1400 | This card's controller pays 500 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If your Monster cards on the Field with [Fiend] in their names are targeted by a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is 1, 3 or 6, that effect is negated and destroyed. | |||
DARK FIEND - GILFAR FIEND | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 6 | 2200 | 2500 | You may activate this effect when it goes to the Cemetery. You can Equip this card on a Monster on the Field, reducing its attack strength by 500. | |||
DARK MASTER - ZORK | Dark | Fiend | Ritual/Effect Monster | 8 | 2700 | 1500 | Summoned by a [Pact With The Dark Master]. You must sacrifice 8 levels or more worth of cards from the Field and or your hand. Once during your turn, you may roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 1 or 2, destroy all of your opponent's Monsters on the Field. If the roll is 3, 4 or 5, destroy 1 of your opponent's Monsters on the Field. If the roll is a 6, destroy all of your Monsters on the Field. | |||
DEATH GREMLIN | Dark | Reptile | Effect Monster | 4 | 1600 | 1800 | FLIP: Choose 1 card in your Cemetery and shuffle it into your deck. | UR | ||
DEATH ROOK FIEND | Light | Fiend | Effect Monster | 3 | 1100 | 1800 | This card's controller pays 500 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If this card is targeted with a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 3, that effect is negated and destroyed. If your [Genocide King Fiend] on the Field is destroyed and put into the Cemetery, you may put this card into your Cemetery from your hand to Special Summon that [Genocide King Fiend]. | |||
DEMON SOLDIER | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 4 | 1900 | 1500 | ||||
DESPAIR FROM THE DARKNESS | Dark | Zombie | Effect Monster | 8 | 2800 | 3000 | If this card is discarded from your hand or deck by an opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to the Field. | |||
EXODIA NECROS | Dark | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 4 | 1800 | 0 | Can only be Special Summoned and only by a "Pact with Exodia". This card cannot be destroyed by Battle, or by Magic or Trap effects, and increase this Monster's attack strength by 500 during each of your Standby Phases. If you don't have a "Exodia the Forbidden One", "Left Arm of the Forbidden One", "Right Arm of the Forbidden One", "Left Leg of the Forbidden One", "Right Leg of the Forbidden One" in your Cemetery, this card is destroyed. | R | ||
FEAR FROM THE DARKNESS | Dark | Zombie | Effect Monster | 4 | 1700 | 1500 | If this card is discarded from your hand or deck by an opponent's card effect, Special Summon this card to the Field. | R | ||
FEMALE WARRIOR FROM ANOTHER DIMENSION | Light | Warrior | Effect Monster | 4 | 1500 | 1600 | When this card Battles and opponent's Monster, you can remove this card and your opponent's Monster from the game. | SR | ||
FIEND SOLDIER | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 4 | 1900 | 1500 | ||||
GAGAGIGO | Water | Reptile | Normal Monster | 4 | 1850 | 1000 | ||||
GAGAGIGO | Water | Reptile | Normal Monster | 4 | 1850 | 1000 | ||||
GENOCIDE KING FIEND | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 4 | 2000 | 1500 | If you don't have any Monster cards on the Field with [Fiend] in their names, you can't Summon or Reverse Summon this Monster. This card's controller pays 800 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If this card is targeted with a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 2 or 5, that effect is negated and destroyed. The effects of Effect Monsters destroyed by this one as a result of Battle are negated. | |||
GREAT FIEND GAAZETTO | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 6 | 0 | 0 | This card's attack strength is double the base attack strength of the Monster sacrificed to summon this card in a Sacrifice Summon. | |||
GREEDY GOBLIN | Earth | Fiend | Effect Monster | 4 | 1000 | 1800 | While this card is face-up on the Field, each player's [Effects that are activated by discarding a card from your hand] cannot be activated. | |||
GUARDIAN BAOU | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 4 | 800 | 400 | You can only Summon, Reverse Summon or Special Summon this card if you have "Great Sword of Violation - Baou" on the Field. Increase this card's attack strength by 1000 for each of your opponent's Monsters that it destroys and sends to the Cemetery during Battle. Also, negate the effects of Effect Monsters that this one destroys during Battle. | R | ||
GUARDIAN ERUMA | Wind | Fairy | Effect Monster | 3 | 1300 | 1200 | You can only Summon, Reverse Summon or Special Summon this card if you have "Dagger of Butterflies - Eruma" on the Field. When this card is Summoned or Special Summoned, you may Equip 1 Equipment Magic card from your Cemetery on this card. | |||
GUARDIAN GURAARU | Earth | Dinosaur | Effect Monster | 5 | 2500 | 1000 | You can only Summon, Reverse Summon or Special Summon this card if you have "Axe of Gravity - Graaru" on the Field. If this card is the only card in your hand, you may Special Summon it. | UR | ||
GUARDIAN KEESUTO | Water | Dragon | Effect Monster | 4 | 1000 | 1800 | You can only Summon, Reverse Summon or Special Summon this card if you have "Rod of Silence - Keesuto" on the Field. This card cannot be affected by Magic, and cannot be attacked by your opponent's Monsters. | |||
GUARDIAN SHIIRU | Fire | Pyro | Effect Monster | 4 | 1700 | 1400 | You can only Summon, Reverse Summon or Special Summon this card if you have "Bow of Falling Stars - Shiiru" on the Field. You may put 1 of your Equipment cards that is Equipped on this Monster in the Cemetery to destroy 1 Monster on the Field. | UR | ||
GUARDIAN TORAISU | Light | Thunder | Effect Monster | 5 | 1900 | 1700 | You can only Summon, Reverse Summon or Special Summon this card if you have "Twins Swords of Flurry - Toraisu" on the Field. If this card is destroyed during Battle and goes to the Cemetery, Special Summoned the Monster in your Cemetery that was Sacrificed to Summon this one. | R | ||
HELL PAWN FIEND | Earth | Fiend | Effect Monster | 2 | 1200 | 200 | This card's controller pays 500 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If this card is targeted with a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 3, that effect is negated and destroyed. While this card is on the Field, your opponent can't attack your other Monsters with [Fiend] in their names that aren't a [Hell Pawn Fiend]. | |||
HELLISH BEAR | Dark | Beast | Effect Monster | 4 | 1300 | 1800 | While this card is face-up on the Field, your "Lair of the Ten-Thousand Demon Lords" on the Field cannot be destroyed by card effects that your opponent controls. | |||
HELLISH BEAR | Dark | Beast | Effect Monster | 4 | 1300 | 1800 | While this card is face-up on the Field, your [Lair of the Ten-Thousand Fiend Lords] on the Field cannot be destroyed by card effects that your opponent controls. | |||
HELLISH GENERAL - MEPHISTO | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 5 | 1800 | 1700 | If this card attacks a Monster in defense mode and this Monster's attack strength is greater than that Monster's defense strength, do Battle Damage to your opponent equal to the difference. If this Monster does Battle Damage to your opponent, he or she discards 1 card from his or her hand at random. | |||
INFERNO QUEEN FIEND | Fire | Fiend | Effect Monster | 4 | 900 | 1500 | This card's controller pays 500 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If this card is targeted with a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 2 or 5, that effect is negated and destroyed. While this card is on the Field, during each Standby Phase, the attack strength of 1 Monster card on the Field with [Fiend] in its name is increased by 1000 until the End Phase. | |||
KAISER GLIDER | Light | Dragon | Effect Monster | 6 | 2400 | 2200 | This card cannot be destroyed during Battle with an Monster that has an equal attack strength. If this card is destroyed and goes to the Cemetery, return 1 Monster on the Field to its owner's hand. | SE | ||
KELBEK | Earth | Fairy | Effect Monster | 4 | 1500 | 1800 | The Monster that attacked this one is returned to its owner's hand. Damage is done as normal. | |||
KELDO | Earth | Fairy | Effect Monster | 4 | 1200 | 1600 | If this card is destroyed as a result of Battle and goes to the Cemetery, choose 2 cards in your opponent's Cemetery and shuffle them into his or her deck. | |||
LITTLE WINGUARD | Wind | Warrior | Effect Monster | 4 | 1400 | 1800 | This Monster can changes its mode once during your End Phase. | |||
LOST DOG MALON | Light | Beast | Effect Monster | 1 | 100 | 100 | When this card goes to the Cemetery, shuffle it into its owner's deck. | |||
MAGIC REFLECTOR REFLECT BOUNDER | Light | Machine | Effect Monster | 4 | 1700 | 1000 | If this Monster is in attack mode and is attacked by an opponent's Monster, do damage to your opponent equal to the attacking Monster's attack strength, and after the Damage Step, destroy this card. | SR | ||
METAL PARASITIC LIFE FORM | Water | Aqua | Effect Monster | 7 | 1000 | 500 | Union. Once per turn during your Main Phase, you may change this card on the Field to an Equipment card, and Equip it on 1 of your face-up Monsters on the Field, or remove it from being an Equipment card, and place it in face-up attack mode. While this card is an Equipment card, the Equipped Monster cannot be affected by Magic effects that your opponent controls. (A Monster can only have one Union Equipment card Equipped on it. If the Equipped Monster would be destroyed by Battle, destroy this card instead.) | |||
MIRAGE KNIGHT | Light | Warrior | Effect Monster | 8 | 2800 | 2000 | This card can only be summoned by "Black Flare Knight"'s effect. During the Damage Step, increase this Monster's attack strength by the base attack strength of your opponent's Monster. Remove this card from the game during the End Phase of a turn in which it Battled. | R | ||
MOON DIVINER | Dark | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 4 | 1100 | 1400 | Spirit. This card cannot be Special Summoned. Return this card to its owner's hand during the End Phase of a turn in which it was Summoned or Reversed. When this card is Summoned or Reversed, choose 1 face-up Monsters on the Field and change it to face-down defense mode. | |||
MUDORA | Earth | Fairy | Effect Monster | 4 | 1500 | 1800 | Increase this card's attack strength by 200 for each Fairy Sub-Type Monster in your Cemetery. | |||
NAME CRAFTER KOTETSU | Fire | Beast-Warrior | Effect Monster | 2 | 500 | 500 | Reverse: Put 1 Equipment Magic card from your deck into your hand. | |||
NINJA DOG WONDER DOG | Wind | Beast Warrior | Normal Monster | 4 | 1800 | 1000 | ||||
POLITE INTRUDER GREEN | Light | Beast | Normal Monster | 2 | 0 | 1000 | ||||
POLITE INTRUDER GREEN | Light | Beast | Normal Monster | 2 | 0 | 1000 | ||||
REVERSE GILPANDA | Earth | Beast | Effect Monster | 3 | 800 | 1600 | Increase this card's attack strength by 500 for each of your opponent's Monsters on the Field. If this Monster attacks a Monster in defense mode, and its defense strength is less than this Monster's attack strength, do Battle Damage to you opponent equal to the difference. | R | ||
RULER OF HEAVEN SHINATO | Light | Fairy | Ritual/Effect Monster | 8 | 3300 | 3000 | Summoned by "Ark of Miracles". You must sacrifice 8 levels worth of Monsters from the Field and/or your hand. If this card attacks and destroys an opponent's Monster in defense mode and it goes to the Cemetery, do damage to your opponent equal to the base attack strength of the destroyed Monster. | R | ||
SHADOW KNIGHT FIEND | Air | Fiend | Effect Monster | 4 | 2000 | 1600 | This card's controller pays 900 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If this card is targeted with a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 3, that effect is negated and destroyed. Damage that this card does to your opponent is halved. | |||
SWIFT LIGHTNING FIEND KING - SKULL FIEND | Dark | Fiend | Effect Monster | 6 | 2500 | 1200 | This card's controller pays 500 Life Points during his or her Standby Phase. If this card is targeted with a card effect controlled by your opponent, roll 1 six-sided die. If the roll is a 1, 3 or 6, that effect is negated and destroyed. | |||
THE LEGENDARY FLAME LORD | Fire | Spellcaster | Ritual/Effect Monster | 7 | 2400 | 2000 | Summoned by a [Trial By Fire]. You must sacrifice 7 levels or more worth of cards from the Field and or your hand. Whenever you or your opponent activates a Magic card, put 1 Magic Counter on this card. You may remove 3 Magic Counters from this card to destroy all Monsters on the Field, not including this one. | |||
TWILIGHT ZONE DRAGON | Light | Dragon | Effect Monster | 5 | 1200 | 1500 | This card cannot be destroyed Magic or Trap effects that don't target, and cannot be destroyed during Battle with a Monster that has an attack strength of 1900 or less. | R | ||
TWILIGHT ZONE TRAINER | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 1 | 100 | 2000 | ||||
TWILIGHT ZONE TRAINER | Dark | Fiend | Normal Monster | 1 | 100 | 2000 | ||||
WALL OF A THOUSAND NEEDLES | Earth | Beast | Effect Monster | 4 | 1000 | 1800 | If this card is attacked while in defense mode and the opposing Monster's attack strength is greater than this card's defense strength, destroy the attacking Monster after the Damage Step. | |||
WEAPON SUMMONER | Wind | Spellcaster | Effect Monster | 4 | 1600 | 1600 | FLIP: Put 1 card with "Guardian" in its name from your deck into your hand. | |||
WORD-SEVERING SAMURAI | Wind | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1 | 200 | 300 | Pay 800 Life Points. Until the End Phase, all Magic and Trap cards cannot be activated. | |||
WORD-SEVERING SAMURAI | Wind | Warrior | Effect Monster | 1 | 200 | 300 | Pay 800 Life Points. Until the End Phase, all Magic and Trap cards cannot be activated. | |||
ZOLGA | Earth | Fairy | Effect Monster | 4 | 1700 | 1200 | If this card is sacrificed in a Sacrifice Summon, you gain 2000 Life Points. | |||
Card Rarity, Effect, Names are subject to change | ||||||||||
translations are thanks to Edo | ||||||||||
Edo's Web Site : |