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Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds CT07-EN003 Limited Edition DRAGON KNIGHT DRACO-EQUISTE Secret Rare HoloFoil Card
Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste
Limited Edition Secret Rare
Level 10 / Wind
ATK: 3200 / DEF: 2000
[Dragon / Fusion / Effect]
"1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster + 1 Warrior-Type Monster
This monster
can only be Special Summoned by Fusion Summon (from the Extra Deck). Once per
turn, you can select 1 Dragon-Type Synchro Monster in the Graveyard. Remove
it from play, treat this card's name as that monster's name, and give this card
the same effects as that monster, until the End Phase. While this card is in
face-up Attack Position, any effect damage you would take from an opponent's
card effect is inflicted to your opponent instead."
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