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Yu-Gi-Oh GX05 BEGINNING OF DESTINY Super Rare 3 Card HoloFoil SET!
Nurse Reficule The Fallen One
Super Rare
Level 4 / Water
ATK: 1400 / DEF: 600
[Fairy / Effect]
"Any effects that would cause your opponent to gain Life Points instead
inflicts the same amount of damage to your opponent."
Dark Cure
Super Rare
[Trap Card]
"When your opponent Summons a monster(s), they gain Life Points equal
to half the ATK of 1 of the Summoned monsters of your choice."
Brutal Potion
Super Rare
[Trap Card]
"This card becomes an Equip Card, and equips to 1 monster you control.
Once per turn, when you inflict damage to your opponent with a card effect,
the equipped monster gains 1000 ATK until the End Phase."
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