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You get
ALL 3 of the CT03 LIMITED EDITION Secret Rare LORD CARD Collector's Tin
HoloFoils in this SET!
Yu-gi-oh GX CT03-EN003
Limited Edition RAVIEL, LORD OF PHANTASMS Secret Rare HoloFoil Card!
Secret Rare - Limited Edition!
10 Stars
ATK: 4000 / DEF: 4000
(Fiend / Effect}
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned
except by Tributing 3 Fiend-Type monsters on your side of the field. Each time
your opponent Normal Summons a monster(s), Special Summon 1 "Phantasm Token"
(Fiend-Type/ DARK/ Level 1/ ATK 1000/ DEF 1000) on your side of the field. This
Token cannot declare an attack. Once per turn, by Tributing 1 monster on your
side of the field, increase the ATK of this card by the original ATK of the
Tributed monster, until the End Phase of this turn.
Yu-gi-oh GX CT03-EN005
Limited Edition URIA, LORD OF SEARING FLAMES Secret Rare HoloFoil Card!
Secret Rare - Limited Edition!
10 Stars
ATK: 0 / DEF: 0
(Pyro / Effect}
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by sending 3 face-up Trap Cards from your side of the field to the Graveyard. Increase the ATK of this card by 1000 points for each Continuous Trap Card in your Graveyard. Once per turn, you can destroy 1 Set Spell or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field. Spell and Trap Cards cannot be activated in response to this effect's activation.
Yu-gi-oh GX CT03-EN006
Limited Edition HAMON, LORD OF STRIKING THUNDER Secret Rare HoloFoil
Secret Rare - Limited Edition!
10 Stars
ATK: 4000 / DEF: 4000
(Thunder / Effect}
This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned
except by sending 3 face-up Continuous Spell Cards from your side of the field
to the Graveyard. When this card destroys your opponent's monster as a result
of battle and sends it to the Graveyard, inflict 1000 points of damage to your
opponent's Life Points. While this card is in face-up Defense Position on your
side of the field, your opponent cannot select another monster as an attack
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