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•Over 100 of Yugi’s most famous Monsters, Spells, & Traps! •Famous cards from some of Yugi’s most notorious enemies, including Pegasus, Bakura, Rafael, & Marik! •Secret Rare versions of legendary cards that have stood the test of time, like Mirror Force, Solemn Judgment, Seven Tools of the Bandit, Mystical Space Typhoon, Book of Moon, Dark Hole, and Black Horn of Heaven. •Secret Rare versions of many ‘recruiter’ monsters like Mystic Tomato, Giant Rat, UFO Turtle, Shining Angel, Mother Grizzly, Flying Kamikari #1, and Pyramid Turtle. •Ultra Rare versions of almost every Gravekeeper’s card. •Foil up your Deck, with HoloFoil versions of Heavy Storm, Monster Reborn, Bottomless Trap Hole, Upstart Goblin, Chaos Sorcerer, Dragged Down into the Grave, Reckless Greed, and Raigeki Break. •Common versions of popular tournament-level classic-era and classic-themed cards, including Chain Disappearance, Gold Sarcophagus, Solemn Warning, and Soul Taker. •Many cards from a decade ago reprinted in their original rarities; Super Rare Reinforcement of the Army, an Ultra Rare Morphing Jar or Royal Decree, or even a Secret Rare Dark Magician Girl. |