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YuGiOh Limited Edition 2010 Duelist Pack Collection: STARLIGHT ROAD! (Yellow Tin)
Each Duelist
Pack Collection Tin 2010 includes 1 Secret Rare copy of "Starlight
Road" as well as 3 packs of Duelist Pack - Yusei 2 -,
plus 1 pack of Ancient Prophecy!
The Starlight Road Trap Card can prevent a player's cards
from being destroyed, and as a special bonus it also Special Summons "Stardust
Dragon" right out of their Extra Deck! This makes "Starlight Road"
one of the most powerful and anticipated cards seen on the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's animated
As a special treat for fans of Yusei old and new, each Duelist Pack Collection
Tin 2010 also includes a special Yusei All-HoloFoil 3-Card
promo pack. Each of these promo packs contains 3 Cards used by Yusei on
the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's animated series, upgraded to HoloFoil Cards for the first
Each Duelist Pack Collection Tin 2010 contains: 1 "Starlight
Road" Secret Rare HoloFoil Card, 3 packs of Duelist Pack
- Yusei 2 -, 1 pack of Ancient Prophecy, 1 Yusei All-HoloFoil
3-Card promo pack (containing 1 Ultra Rare plus 2 Super Rare
cards) plus a Beginner's Guide.
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