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Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds SDMM-EN001 1st Edition MACHINA FORTRESS Ultra Rare HoloFoil Card
Machina Fortress
1st Edition Ultra Rare
Level 7 / Earth
ATK: 2500 / DEF: 1600
[Machine / Effect]
"You can discard Machine-Type monster(s) whose total Levels equal 8
or more to Special Summon this card from your hand or Graveyard. When this card
is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, select and destroy 1 card
your opponent controls. When this face-up card you control is targeted by an
opponent's Effect Monster's effect, look at your opponent's hand and discard
1 card from their hand."
Ships in 4-7 Days
Only $4.95 for this Great Ultra Rare HoloFoil Card!