STRUCTURE DECK: DRAGONS COLLIDE Unlimited or 1st Edition 40-Card Starter Deck Set
containing 3 HOLOS!
of LIGHT and DARK have put aside their differences to unite as one Unstoppable
Force! Not Only does this Awesome Structure Deck contain an Unprecendented 3
HoloFoils Per Deck....it Also includes incredible cards like "Blue-Eyes
White Dragon", "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon", "Dark Armed
Dragon", "Honest" & Much More - All in 1st Edition!
This 1st
Edition DRAGONS COLLIDE Structure Deck includes powerful Dragons,
Lightsworn Monsters, and some of the best DARK and LIGHT Monsters,
all merged together into a Dueling Juggernaut! More combinations became
available when additional LIGHT Dragons were unleashed in Galactic Overlord
Booster Packs, and this Deck has seen a Huge Surge in Demand/Use after the Saga
of Blue-Eyes White Dragon Deck released back in September 2013!
This 1st
Edition DRAGONS COLLIDE Structure Deck Contains: 37 Common Cards, 2
Ultra Rare Cards, 1 Super Rare Card, 1 Rulebook,
1 Game Mat, 1 Dueling Guide
Now in Stock