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Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal: 2011
WIND-UP ZENMAISTER Holiday Collectible TIN
**Every Sealed Collector TIN includes a POT OF DUALITY
Super Rare Card!**
The Yugioh Wind-Up Zenmaister Collectible Tin features one of the first black-framed
Xyz Monsters. This clockwork commander requires just 2 Level 4 monsters to Xyz
Summon. Once on the field, you can use its Xyz Materials to flip your monsters
face-down, then face-up again. This is a great way to get multiple shots out
of your Flip Effect Monsters, or to re-use the effects of your Wind-Up monsters
from Generation Force and other booster pack sets, or to get rid of any nasty
effects your opponent has put on your monsters
This Yugioh Collector Tin
includes All of the following:
2 packs of Storm of Ragnarok + 2 packs of Hidden Arsenal 4: Trishula’s Triumph
+ 1 pack of Extreme Victory plus
1 Secret Rare HoloFoil Card: Wind-Up Zenmaister
1 Super Rare HoloFoil Card: Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin
1 Super Rare HoloFoil Card: Archlord Kristya
1 Super Rare HoloFoil Card: Elemental HERO Gaia
1 Super Rare HoloFoil Card: Pot of Duality
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