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Yugioh ZEXAL 2012 XYZ Symphony
Starter Deck
This is Yugioh's largest Starter Deck in 8 Years! This Deck comes with 5 YZMonsters,
including Yumas' Signature Monster from the newest animated series; Number
39: Utopia! Chock full of easy-to-use but plenty-powerful monsters,
Spells, and Traps, this Starter Deck is designed to give first-time Duelists
an action-packed crash course in the world of the Yu-Gi-Oh TRADING CARD GAME!
Combine the cards in the Starter Deck with cards from Galactic Overlord
for exciting combos!
Each Starter Deck contains: 45 Cards, 1 Beginners Guide, 1 Game Mat.
Ships in 4-7 Days